Greek people is under occupation. Merkel Germany, EC, ECB and IMF try to kill the Greek people by force them in internal default. In order to doing this, they kill the Liberal Democracy. As Pr. Krugman remark: "They now looking at a scenario in which Greece is forced into killing levels of austerity to pay its foreign creditors, with no real light at the end of the tunnel. This is just not going to work."
Thursday, February 28, 2008
FYROM actions after the Greek Veto....
FYROM in case of a Greek veto will also organise a referendum for preserving the constitutional name in order to prevent any current or future high-profile politician from changing the name.
Moreover, a procedure on retrieving the old original flag (Vergina sun) will be instigated having in mind that the change of the flag didn't contribute to mitigating the name problem. It is anticipated this idea to be accepted because both Slavmacedonians and Albanians honour Alexander the Great.
Out of the same reasons, a procedure for retrieving the constitutional amendments from 1992 will be started, while appropriate legal procedure regarding the minority issue of the Slavmacedonians in Greece will be launched.
Hundreds of streets, highways, buildings, stadiums, sports halls and squares will be renamed, bearing the names of great ancient Macedonians. Also the Tabanovce-Bogorodica route of Corridor 10 will be named Alexander the Great Highway, whereas the new airport in Stip will bear the name of Philip II.
Closer ties with Turkish Occupied Cyprus will be established, as well as the partnership with USA and Turkey will be reinforced and implementing Ancient Macedonian symbol's in the equipment of Macedonian sports teams.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Nimitz, the Final Proposal in FYROM name dispute

- One name for inside FYROM and bilateral usage
- One name for the international usage
- Suggestion to the UN members to following the second solution. USA agree and will following in that as I have already mention.
The names of the second option are
- New Republic of Macedonia
- Republic of New Macedonia...Nova Macedonia
Slavmacedonians has rejected this formula and Greek side probably discuss it with the second option as about the name.One more think is that yesterday night Greek side make clear to Nimitz that want
- One name for all usage
- Name with specific geographical specification
- Solution below the NATO summit
- Failed of the negotiations mean VETO
In my opinion Slavamacedonins is in the corner since Greece will ACCEPT the double formula.
Greek TV corresponded that Greek journalists beaten and in this time Greek Office is under attack and the FYROM Police is .....Invisible.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Modern Macedonian Salad

- Ancient Macedonians were Greeks.
- Medieval Slavs and Bulgars were culturally converted to Byzantine Hellenism and were ethnically assimilated.
- Slav-speaking Macedonians were not necessarily Bulgars or Slavs. Considering their loyalty to the Patriarch and their active contribution to Greek 19th century irredentism, it is evident that they were ethnically Greeks beyond doubt.
In Bulgaria they are not concerned with ancient Macedonians but they argue that:
- Medieval Slavs in Macedonia were absorbed by the Bulgarians, but the latter were not assimilated either by the Greeks or by the Serbs.
- Despite allegiance to the Greek dominated Ecumenical Patriarchate, Slav-speaking Macedonian Bulgars were a separate ethnic group, which in the late 19th century inhabited most parts of Macedonia, but failed to be annexed by Bulgaria.
During the last quarter of the 19th century Serbs also developed their own theories about the identity of Macedonia’s population.They sought to demonstrate that:
- Medieval Slavmacedonians were Serbs. In fact Serbs dominated Macedonia after the Bulgarians in the 14th century; thus, they could not have been assimilated by the latter who were swept out in the early 11th century.
- They preserved a distinctive Serbian culture, a language akin to Serbian and were called “Serbs” for centuries.
- Macedonian Slavs were not identified as Bulgarians until the mid 19th century.
Naturally after World War II Serbian views were abandoned. Serbs were replaced ever after by Slavmacedonians historians who assimilated and further enhanced theories which in the past had been supported chiefly by the Communists. Their main task has been to show that:
- Ancient Macedonians were not Greeks but Slavs.
- Medieval Slavs assimilated ancient non-Greek Macedonians, but were absorbed neither by the Bulgarians nor by the Serbs or Greeks.
- In 19th century a dense and distinct Slav-speaking Macedonian ethnic group, overwhelmingly larger than the Greek one, became the vehicle of Macedonian nationalism, but ethnic Macedonia, having failed to get independence in 1903, was divided in 1913.
We have of course and the US views that run as follows
- Until 1990 considered talk of Macedonian "nation", Macedonian "Fatherland", or Macedonian "national consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic, nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.
- After 1990 found Macedonian "nation", Macedonian "Fatherland" or Macedonian "national consciousness". Greek thesis is now a unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic, nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Republic of Macedonia.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Greek American Community Charges U.S. Congress on Skopjeʼs Name Issue
Washington, D.C. By Apostolos Zoupaniotis
Leaders of major Greek American organizations gathered at an extraordinary meeting on Thursday, in Washington D.C. to coordinate their efforts in mobilizing the Greek American Community, in promoting the Hellenic positions regarding the name dispute with Skopje. The meeting was initiated by Theodoros Spyropoulos, Regional Coordinator of World Council of Hellenes Abroad, USA. President of the Pan-Macedonian Association of USA, Nina Gatzoulis; the President of the Hellenic American National Council, Em. Velivasakis, Executive Director of AHEPA, Bill Mossaidis; Executive Director of the American Hellenic Institute, Nick Laringakis; Coordinated Effort of Hellenes chairman Andy Manatos; the President of the American Hellenic Congress , Dr. D. Pallas; and staffers of the offices of Representatives Zack Space, Carolyn Maloney, Niki Tsongas, and Albio Sires attended the meeting that was described fruitful and positive by all.The leaders of the organization decided unanimously to intensify lobbying efforts in Congress, promoting HR-356 - proposed by Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) - and the Senate resolution SR-300, proposed by Senato Bob Menendez and supported by Senators Barack Obama and Olympia Snowe.
Furthermore, it was agreed that the Greek positions should be voiced in the American press, through advertisements, editorials and letters.
“We have ahead of us six crucial weeks, until the debate on issue of the NATO enlargement in Bucharest. If as Greek American Community we intensify our efforts and at the same time if Greece takes a decisive position, utilizing the NATO process, we can succeed” Ted Spyropoulos told the Greek News.
“There was always a converging collaborative effort between the Pan-Macedonian Association, the World Council of Hellenes Abroad (USA Region), the American Hellenic National Council, the American Hellenic Institute, and other organizations”, stated Ms. Gatzoulis. “ I am very satisfied however that we were given the opportunity for all Greek-American Associations to convene together and discuss this important issue which is not an issue that only concerns the members of the Pan-Macedonian Association, but one that is important to all Hellenes throughout the world.”
Ambassador of Greece to the United States Alexandros Mallias, briefed the participants on the Greek positions and he assured them of the Greek governmentʼs determination in the negotiations, regarding the naming of the FYROM. A pre-requisite for the integration of FYROM into NATO, is the implementation of the good neighbor policy in the process of defining a mutually accepted solution, emphasized the Greek Ambassador. Greece recognizes and expects the assistance of the Greek American Community to promote and protect the issues of national interest.
Ambassador Mallias also referred to the upcoming visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dora Bakoyiannis to the US on the 13th and 14th of February, 2008. Ms. Bakoyiannis will meet with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Deputy Secretary of State John Negreponte. During the meeting she will inform them, amongst other things, Athensʼ position regarding the FYROMʼs integration in NATO. The Greek Foreign Minister will also meet with members of the Congressional Hellenic Caucus.
“It was a productive meeting and a coordinated effort by all present. The goal is that the Greek Americans use their capacity as American citizens to encourage their political representatives to support the two resolutions SR300 and HR 356”, Mr. Spyropoulos emphasized. “More than 100 members of the House of Representatives, as well as Senator and Presidential hopeful, Barack Obama, Senator Olympia Snowe, and Senator Robert Menendez, are already consigners of the respective decrees. As American citizens of Greek descent we possess great strength, and we can request from our political representatives to apply pressure and appropriately intervene regarding FYROM, in order to curb their incompliance and to contribute toward a commonly accepted solution for the naming of their nation, before the upcoming NATO conference in April of 2008”.
“It is very important for the entire Greek-American community to promote the Congressional resolution HR-356, which was proposed by Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), and the Senate resolution SR-300 which was proposed by Senator Robert Menendez. These resolutions urge the FYROM leadership to bring to an end its pursuits of propaganda against Greece stemming from the governmental domain and the private sector and to focus its initiatives or endeavors in finding a mutually accepted name with Greece, for their country. Furthermore, they urge the FYROM to stop annexing the Greek legacy and history, fanaticizing the youth of their country against Greece”, stressed the Pan-Macedonian President, Ms. Nina Gatzoulis.
The President of the Hellenic American Council Emmanuel Velivasakis also expressed satisfaction, “H.A.N.C. always supports the Pan-Macedonian Association of USA and its positions on the Macedonian issue. It is now time for a coordinated effort by all Greek American organizations. H.A.N.C. will collaborate with AHEPA at the upcoming gathering which will take place some time in March 2008 to inform members of the American government about this issue. This was a very positive meeting, and I am looking forward to the next one,” added Mr. Velivassakis.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Please take action !!!

Please take a look at the lecture that will take place at the Smithsonian Resident Associated program and take the proper action:
Please call, fax or email.
Contact information:
Tel: 202-633-3030
Fax: 202-786-2034
Below is the Pan-Macedonian responce.....
Barbara Tuceling
Director of Smithsonian Resident Associate Program
On behalf of the members of the Pan-Macedonian Association, USA, one of the largest Greek-American organizations, we wish to express our profound disappointment that such a respected institutions as the Smithsonian Resident Associate Program, is ready to embrace historic inaccuracies.
It came to our attention through your advertisement that art historian and “Macedonian” native, Aneta Georgievska-Shine “...explores the multi-layered cultural heritage of this dynamic history...Home to exquisite Byzantine churches with beautifully preserved frescos and valuable icons, the Republic of Macedonia is a country or rich and complex cultural identity. Form antiquity, when Alexander the Great created an empire that reached as far away as India...”
Even though President George Bush erroneously recognized the FYROM as Republic of “Macedonia,” back in 2004, Macedonia is a province of Greece since time immemorial. The Slavs, who are Ms Shine’s ancestors, cannot be ethnically, linguistically or culturally Macedonians simply because they did not exist in this area until the 6th century AD, when they descended from Siberia and settled there.
The Hellenic name Macedonia, which had always identified the northern area of Greece, preceded the introduction of the majority Slavic population of The FYROM in the Balkans by well over 2000 years. Therefore when they arrived in the area, the Byzantine Empire was already in existence.
In addition Ms Tuceling two wrongs, our President’s in 2004 and your institute’s embracing historic inaccuracies, do not make a right. In addition Alexander the Great the Macedonian, spoke Greek, used the Hellenic alphabet, carried Homer’s works with him and spread the Hellenic language and civilization throughout the then known world. He did not speak the Bulgarian dialect that The FYROM people speak; he did not use the Cyrillic alphabet, which had not even appeared till about one thousand years after his death. Alexander the Great is our Abraham Lincoln, as he united the North and the South of the Hellenic World under Hellas.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
AHEPA Supreme President Ike Gulas has requested a meeting with Chairman Lantos on this issue.
Contact Representative Lantos through the Committee on Foreign Affairs Today!
Telephone or write to Robert King, who is Rep. Lantos' Staff Director for the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
FYROM irredentism .....

- Renaming Greek Macedonia as ‘Aegean Macedonia’, and representing
it as terra irredenta, as an integral part of FYROM. - Claiming the existence of an oppressed ‘Macedonian minority’ within
Greece. - Appropriating emblems and symbols, and the Greek cultural legacy in
general (with Ancient Macedonia as the focal point).
FYROM’s irredentist policy towards Greece from 1944 to the present, a policy that is in flagrant breach of the Interim Agreement signed by the two parties in 1995 expressly calling on
them to put an end to any mutual expressions of irredentism.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
AHI Sends Letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice Regarding FYROM

However, the continuing intransigent and provocative actions by the government of the FYROM against its neighbor, Greece, poses a potential threat to stability in the Balkans, to the detriment of U.S. interests.
Unfortunately, the irresponsible decision by the administration in the fall of 2004 to recognize FYROM as the "Republic of Macedonia" has contributed greatly to FYROM's increasing intransigent stance.
The United States opposed the use of the name Macedonia by Tito in 1944 and we should continue to oppose it now. In a Circular Airgram (Dec. 26, 1944) Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., stated:
This government considers talk of Macedonian "nation," Macedonian "Fatherland," or Macedonian "national consciousness" to be unjustified demagoguery representing no ethnic nor political reality, and sees in its present revival a possible cloak for aggressive intentions against Greece.
And once again, on March 23, 2006, when welcoming the then new Foreign Minister of Greece, Dora Bakoyianni to the State Department, you said, "We've had a great opportunity to discuss our strategic partnership with Greece. This is a relationship that is first and foremost, of course, based on values. It is a relationship that recognizes the seminal role of Greece as a cradle of those values and recognizes that in the modern era in which we find ourselves now with so many challenges that Greece is a stalwart partner in the spread of democratic values, whether it be in Greece's work in the Broader Middle East Initiative, in which we've all been involved, promoting stability and prosperity in the Balkans, fighting terrorism and, of course, seeking the reunification of Cyprus on the basis of democratic values."
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Slavmacedonian Embassador Nikola Dimitrov

Major M. Nasrullah, Senior Captain M. Rüşdü, First Lieutenant M. Eşref; Osmanlı Atlası XX. Yüzyıl Başları; Osmanlı Araştırmaları Vakfı; İstanbul 2003; ISBN 975-7268-34-8
Let's read the article........