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Below is the Pan-Macedonian responce.....
Barbara Tuceling
Director of Smithsonian Resident Associate Program
On behalf of the members of the Pan-Macedonian Association, USA, one of the largest Greek-American organizations, we wish to express our profound disappointment that such a respected institutions as the Smithsonian Resident Associate Program, is ready to embrace historic inaccuracies.
It came to our attention through your advertisement that art historian and “Macedonian” native, Aneta Georgievska-Shine “...explores the multi-layered cultural heritage of this dynamic history...Home to exquisite Byzantine churches with beautifully preserved frescos and valuable icons, the Republic of Macedonia is a country or rich and complex cultural identity. Form antiquity, when Alexander the Great created an empire that reached as far away as India...”
Even though President George Bush erroneously recognized the FYROM as Republic of “Macedonia,” back in 2004, Macedonia is a province of Greece since time immemorial. The Slavs, who are Ms Shine’s ancestors, cannot be ethnically, linguistically or culturally Macedonians simply because they did not exist in this area until the 6th century AD, when they descended from Siberia and settled there.
The Hellenic name Macedonia, which had always identified the northern area of Greece, preceded the introduction of the majority Slavic population of The FYROM in the Balkans by well over 2000 years. Therefore when they arrived in the area, the Byzantine Empire was already in existence.
In addition Ms Tuceling two wrongs, our President’s in 2004 and your institute’s embracing historic inaccuracies, do not make a right. In addition Alexander the Great the Macedonian, spoke Greek, used the Hellenic alphabet, carried Homer’s works with him and spread the Hellenic language and civilization throughout the then known world. He did not speak the Bulgarian dialect that The FYROM people speak; he did not use the Cyrillic alphabet, which had not even appeared till about one thousand years after his death. Alexander the Great is our Abraham Lincoln, as he united the North and the South of the Hellenic World under Hellas.
The historians in your esteemed institute should know that during the ancient Olympic Games, only Greeks could participate. The Macedonians therefore participated for the very fact that they too were Greeks.
With this letter we formally request that you desist from engaging in promoting falsified and revised history through your institution.
We would appreciate an answer.
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