Saturday, December 24, 2016

Germany's Finance Minister "Wet Dream" on Greece

by Martin Foehler and Alberto Paez

The suspension of Greece's debt relief short-term measures was a unilateral decision by the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble. The spokesperson of Eurogroup's head Jeroun Dijsselbloem tweeted last week the so-called "decision" on suspension. No decision was ever taken by the Eurogroup on that direction, no press release was ever issued by the ESM, thus it was a breach of last Eurogroup's (December 5) unanimous decision to deal with Greece's debt relief measures. 

This development was something unique for Eurozone and the EU, as collective agreements were blatantly violated by Germany. Finance Minister Schauble, along with the IMF, are eagerly working to impose a specific project for Greece other than what has been agreed in the framework of Greece's third bailout deal.

The scope of Schauble and IMF is one and simple: to see the Greek program fail, the Greek government to adopt new austerity measures and damage all the efforts and positive developments that have taken place since August 2015. Essentially, as we have written during the previous weeks, the goal of both sides is..............